A transformational approach to POD

Gooten is a globally distributed company that operates a smart supply chain for brands that are looking to utilize on-demand manufacturing to transform the way they do business.

We take our partnerships seriously

We are your partner always, through the highs and lows of your business journey. We are here to listen to your needs and tailor our solutions for you.

We don’t end with fulfillment; it’s where we begin

It’s our people that will truly shine for you. Our dedicated teams will ensure your voice is heard and your business challenges are quickly resolved.

We offer best-in-class service all the way

We’ve processed and shipped 4 million+ products with less than a 2% error rate and 95% ship-on-time rate. We only succeed when you succeed.


A culture of diverse thinking and drive for transformational results

Gooten is a living platform built by humans, and that reflects in our ethos. Each order is someone’s order, each partner is a business, each item is made and QA’ed by a human. We strive for success, and uncover the “why” of a problem, not the “what”. We recognize that our team represents the entire value chain, and hold ourselves to that standard - The Gooten Standard.

Meet the Executive Team

Brian Rainey
Chief Executive Officer
Maddy Alcala
Nelson Flores
Chief Product And Technology Officer
Greg Madormo
EVP, Finance and Operations
Stevan Perovic
Head of People Operations
Mike Schell Executive Headshot
Mike Schell
VP, Business Development
Kathleen Weng Gooten Executive Headshot
Kathleen Weng
VP, Operations Strategy

What Partners Say About Us

“I wanted a partner who was going to make it easier to scale. As a dispersed company, Gooten simplified the management of our clients’ business, reducing the elements of complexity.”

One Live
Andy Martel

“Gooten allows us to scale quickly without wasting time and money on setting up physical infrastructures. Being global means we can quickly enter new markets in a scalable, environmentally friendly way."

Art Al
Eyal Fisher

“With Gooten, I'm able to spend more time designing and less time dealing with the logistics of printing and shipping. Having a third party fulfill my orders takes a huge chunk of work off of me.”

Puff Paper Co.
Zuan Zhou

Interested in joining the team?

Explore all job opportunities at Gooten

Home Offices

228 Park Ave South,
New York, NY 10003
United States
Strazilovska 4A
21000 Novi Sad