Even if you’re not especially tech-savvy, you’re probably aware of how AI technology has grown increasingly advanced and ubiquitous. In particular, the AI-based chatbot ChatGPT has become one of the Web’s most popular (and controversial) tools, making it possible to generate original text that has roughly the same tone you’d expect from a human author.
Of course, AI isn’t just about creating text. It can also be used to generate original artwork. There are a number of AI-powered art and design generators on the Web, and while none of them are quite as successful as ChatGPT, they’re certainly promising… and getting better all the time.
So, what does this mean for print on demand sellers? In short, we think there are a number of ways in which AI art products can boost your store. Here are a few ideas from the Gooten team.
How AI Art Products Can Boost Your Print on Demand Store
1) AI art makes print on demand more accessible.
Think you have to be an artist or designer to succeed in print on demand? Think again. There are actually a number of ways to set up a store offering custom art and designs, without harboring any creative ambitions of your own. The main way is to enlist the services of a freelance artist. But AI may provide an alternative path (and potentially a less expensive one, too). In short, the ability to sell AI art evens the playing field for those who are interested in print on demand, but don’t have specific design ideas of their own.
2) AI art can inspire fresh, creative ideas.
Another reason to consider the use of AI? Even if you are an artist, it’s pretty common to feel uninspired, or simply stuck. If you ever have a hard time coming up with a new design idea, or just need a little help brainstorming, you can use AI to assist with your concept ideation. Even if you never end up publicizing or selling your AI-generated ideas, they can still be invaluable to your creative process, enhancing the quality and originality of the ideas you do sell.
3) You can involve your customers.
Something else to consider: You can offer your customers the opportunity to create their own custom AI products. Invite your buyers to submit their own AI-generated ideas, and then print them on t-shirts, mugs, blankets, or any other print on demand products. (Check the Gooten catalog for a full list of ideas.)
4) AI can help you find-tune seasonal products.
Maybe your print on demand store focuses on cat-themed designs. What’s a good way to give those fur babies a seasonal spin, readying your store for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, or Christmas? Again, consider using AI as an idea generator, spinning new variants on established images. Once more, you don’t actually have to sell any of these AI-assisted designs. Simply using the technology to brainstorm can be really helpful.
Are There Limits to Custom AI Products?
There are clearly a number of ways to use AI to enhance your print on demand store… but what about potential drawbacks?
For one thing, it should be noted that this technology is still developing. Soon, AI art tools may be very good, and very common. Right now, it can be a bit harder to find an inexpensive program that does good, detailed work.
Also note that there is never any substitute for human creativity! Using AI is fine, but it’s always a good idea to run your computer-generated ideas through the filter of human judgment and imagination.
Choosing the Right Print on Demand Partner
No matter how you plan to harness the power of AI, you’ll definitely need a good print on demand fulfillment partner to help you out. The right partner can ensure that your AI-generated or AI-inspired designs find their way onto a full variety of products, and that those products are packaged and shipped expediently.
Gooten is proud to partner with print on demand sellers across the world, offering a high standard of quality, international shipping options, and more. Reach out whenever you’re ready to discuss partnership with us!