While every page of your print on demand website is important, product pages have a unique significance. These are the pages that really delve into the details of your custom products, educating buyers and helping them make an informed purchase decision. And, precisely because they include so much specificity and detail, product pages also tend to offer a lot of SEO value, giving you ample opportunity to appear in online search queries.
Given the importance of your product pages, you’ll naturally want to do everything within your power to optimize them, making them as effective as can be. Here are a few recommendations to maximize the value of your print on demand product pages.
Print on Demand Marketing Tips: How to Maximize Your Product Pages
1) Add more photos.
We’ll start with some low-hanging fruit. Before purchasing custom products, your buyers will naturally want to inspect the merchandise from every conceivable angle. The more photos you have the better, especially photos showing what your products are going to look like when worn/used by an actual consumer.
To that end, it’s worth considering the addition of a few user-submitted images in addition to your more professional mockups. Remember, user-generated content can be one of the most effective ways to build trust.
2) Include reviews.
Speaking of trust, nothing builds confidence in a product like reviews and testimonials from other happy customers. As you collect reviews, whether from Google, Facebook, or other platforms, look for ways to incorporate them into your product pages.
You may find that creating a few simple infographics is the best way to present reviews. If nothing else, you should always have a link to your Google Reviews, an important way to inform customers and also generate greater SEO traction.
3) Use keywords.
Your product pages should always include keywords and phrases, which reflect the terms actual consumers use to search for products on the Web. There are plenty of tools you can use to help with keyword ideation, including Google Keyword Planner and ChatGPT. Even Google AutoComplete can provide inspiration.
So how should keywords be incorporated in your written content? There’s no need to overstuff your content with keywords, or to use them in ways that are stiff, forced, or robotic. Instead, simply work them in whenever you can do so organically. Remember that the point of your keywords is not first and foremost to impress the search algorithms, but to help shoppers find the products they need.
4) Include branding.
Your product pages should always reflect the benefits of your products, but don’t forget to summarize the benefits of your brand, as well. In other words, you need to address the question of why a consumer would buy this product, but also the question of why they would buy it from you.
Some things to consider: Emphasize your responsive customer service team. Explain your return policy. Underscore your fast turnaround times. Draw attention to your outstanding reviews. Include any information that helps your print on demand business to stand out.
5) Don’t forget the CTA.
Product pages should always have clear, strong, simple calls to action, inviting the shopper to add the item to their cart right away. These don’t have to be pushy or overly “salesy,” but they do need to prompt consumers to take the next step in their journey.
It’s worth experimenting with different CTA verbiage and positioning to see what language is most effective at winning over your shoppers.
6) Promote other products.
Your product pages are great places to upsell or cross-promote. Again, you don’t have to be over-the-top or “salesy.” Simply include links to similar or ancillary products that shoppers might be interested in, ensuring they know all the options before they check out.
You may also wish to include information about bundles or savings opportunities, allowing shoppers to save money by getting multiple custom products at once.
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