Orders – Get Orders by ID

This API request uses the GET orders endpoint to retrieve information about an order using the order ID.

You'll be able to pull information on the items in the order, the tracking information for the order, the total costs for the order, the billing and shipping addresses, and more metadata for the specific order.

This request takes the following argument:

  • id - required - this is the Safe Order ID for the order that you want to view

Each API request to the Gooten API must have the RecipeID parameter included in the URL. This is typically used to authenticate to the Gooten API. Please be sure to replace the YourRecipeID in the example with your proper RecipeID from the Gooten Admin.

Send a GET API request to the following URL below:


After sending the GET request, the response will display the following information about the order:

  "Id": "string",
  "NiceId": "string",
  "SourceId": "string",
  "GootenId": "integer",
  "Items": [
      "Sku": "string",
      "ProductId": "integer",
      "Product": "string",
      "Quantity": "integer",
      "Status": "string",
      "TrackingNumber": "string",
      "TrackingUrl": "string",
      "ShipCarrierName": "string",
      "Price": {
        "Price": "decimal",
        "CurrencyCode": "string",
        "FormattedPrice": "string",
        "CurrencyFormat": "string",
        "CurrencyDigits": "integer"
      "DiscountAmount": {
        "Price": "decimal",
        "CurrencyCode": "string",
        "FormattedPrice": "string",
        "CurrencyFormat": "string",
        "CurrencyDigits": "integer"
      "SourceId": "string",
      "Meta": {
        "Key1": "Value1",
		"Key2": "Value2"
      "Shipments": [
          "TrackingNumber": "string",
          "TrackingUrl": "string",
          "ShipCarrierName": "string"
      "Images": [
          "SourceUrl": "string",
          "SpaceId": "string",
          "ThumbnailUrl": "string",
          "OrderItemId": "integer"
  "Total": {
    "Price": "decimal",
    "CurrencyCode": "string",
    "FormattedPrice": "string",
    "CurrencyFormat": "string",
    "CurrencyDigits": "integer"
  "ShippingTotal": {
    "Price": "decimal",
    "CurrencyCode": "string",
    "FormattedPrice": "string",
    "CurrencyFormat": "string",
    "CurrencyDigits": "integer"
  "DiscountAmount": {
    "Price": "decimal",
    "CurrencyCode": "string",
    "FormattedPrice": "string",
    "CurrencyFormat": "string",
    "CurrencyDigits": "integer"
  "DiscountCode": "string",
  "BillingAddress": {
    "FirstName": "string",
    "LastName": "string",
    "Line1": "string",
    "Line2": "string",
    "City": "string",
    "State": "string",
    "CountryCode": "string",
    "PostalCode": "string",
    "IsBusinessAddress": "boolean",
    "Phone": "string",
    "Email": "string"
  "ShippingAddress": {
    "FirstName": "string",
    "LastName": "string",
    "Line1": "string",
    "Line2": "string",
    "City": "string",
    "State": "string",
    "CountryCode": "string",
    "PostalCode": "string",
    "IsBusinessAddress": "boolean",
    "Phone": "string",
    "Email": "string"
  "Meta": {
    "Key1": "Value1",
	"Key2": "Value2"

Next Topic: Update Order Status