Cart – Order Partner Price Estimates

This API request uses the POST price endpoint and is used to estimate the cost of the order.

The POST data for the body should be a JSON object with following parameters:

  • ShipToAddress object, with following properties:
    • Line1 - required - shipping address line 1
    • Line2 - optional - shipping address line 2
    • City - required - shipping city
    • State - optional - shipping state (if applicable)
    • PostalCode - required - shipping postal code
    • CountryCode - required - shipping 2-letter country code
    • Items array of objects containing the following properties:
      • SKU - required - SKU of product variant
      • Quantity - required - quantity of items with this SKU
      • ShipType - required - the type of shipping method for the order. The values for this field are "Standard", "Expedited", and "Overnight".
    • Payment object, with following properties:
      • CurrencyCode - required - currency code


	"ShipToAddress": {
		"Line1": "string",
		"Line2": "string",
		"City": "string",
		"State": "string",
		"CountryCode": "string",
		"PostalCode": "string"
	"Items": [{
		"Quantity": "integer",
		"SKU": "string",
		"ShipType": "string"
	"Payment": {
		"CurrencyCode": "string"
		"PartnerBillingKey": "YourPartnerBillingKey"

Each API request to the Gooten API must have the RecipeID parameter included in the URL. This is typically used to authenticate to the Gooten API. Please be sure to replace the YourRecipeID in the example with your proper RecipeID from the Gooten Admin.

You must also replace the YourPartnerBillingKey in the example with your own Partner Billing Key from the Gooten Admin. This key is used for order related API calls.

This yields the response:

    "ItemsPrice": {
        "Items": [
                "SKU": "string",
                "PartnerPrice": {
                    "Price": "decimal",
                    "CurrencyCode": "string",
                    "FormattedPrice": "string",
                    "CurrencyFormat": "string",
                    "CurrencyDigits": "integer"
                "CustomerPrice": {
                    "Price": "decimal",
                    "CurrencyCode": "string",
                    "FormattedPrice": "string",
                    "CurrencyFormat": "string",
                    "CurrencyDigits": "integer"
                "Tax": {
                    "Price": "decimal",
                    "CurrencyCode": "string",
                    "FormattedPrice": "string",
                    "CurrencyFormat": "string",
                    "CurrencyDigits": "integer"
                "ShippingTax": {
                    "Price": "decimal",
                    "CurrencyCode": "string",
                    "FormattedPrice": "string",
                    "CurrencyFormat": "string",
                    "CurrencyDigits": "integer"
        "ItemsTotalPrice": {
            "Price": "decimal",
            "CurrencyCode": "string",
            "FormattedPrice": "string",
            "CurrencyFormat": "string",
            "CurrencyDigits": "integer"
    "ShippingPrice": {
        "ShippingSurcharge": {
            "Price": "decimal",
            "CurrencyCode": "string",
            "FormattedPrice": "string",
            "CurrencyFormat": "string",
            "CurrencyDigits": "integer"
        "ShippingTotal": {
            "Price": "decimal",
            "CurrencyCode": "string",
            "FormattedPrice": "string",
            "CurrencyFormat": "string",
            "CurrencyDigits": "integer"
        "Shipping": [
                "SKUs": [
                "Price": {
                    "Price": "decimal",
                    "CurrencyCode": "string",
                    "FormattedPrice": "string",
                    "CurrencyFormat": "string",
                    "CurrencyDigits": "integer"

Next Step: Validating Shipping Addresses