Cart – Shipping Options

This API request uses the POST shippingprices endpoint to retrieve the available shipping options for a cart.

The POST data for the body of the request should be a JSON object with following parameters:

  • Items - required - list of SKU & quantity pairs. Each item must have the following properties defined:
    • SKU - required - SKU of product variant
    • Quantity - required - quantity of items with this SKU
  • ShipToPostalCode - required - postal code
  • ShipToState - optional - state code if exists
  • ShipToCountry - required - 2-letter country code
  • CurrencyCode - required - currency code

Important: The "Item.ShipCarrierMethodId" field is considered the "Id" and it is not the "MethodId". The value for this field is a result from when you pass the parameter value during the order submission process.

The following parameters would look something like the example below:

  "ShipToPostalCode": "string",
  "ShipToCountry": "string",
  "ShipToState": "string",
  "CurrencyCode": "string",
  "Items": [
      "SKU": "string",
      "Quantity": "integer"

Each API request to the Gooten API must have the RecipeID parameter included in the URL. This is typically used to authenticate to the Gooten API. Please be sure to replace the YourRecipeID in the example with your proper RecipeID from the Gooten Admin.

After sending the API request, it will display the following response:

  "Result": [
      "SKUs": [
      "ShipOptions": [
          "Id": "integer",
          "MethodType": "string",
          "MethodId": "integer",
          "Name": "string",
          "CarrierName": "string",
          "Price": {
            "Price": "decimal",
            "CurrencyCode": "string",
            "FormattedPrice": "string",
            "CurrencyFormat": "string",
            "CurrencyDigits": "integer"
          "PartnerPrice": {
            "Price": "decimal",
            "CurrencyCode": "string",
            "FormattedPrice": "string",
            "CurrencyFormat": "string",
            "CurrencyDigits": "integer"
          "EstBusinessDaysTilDelivery": "integer",
          "MinDays": "integer",
          "MaxDays": "integer"
      "ProductionTimesOptions": [
          "MinDays": "integer",
          "MaxDays": "integer",
          "AverageDays": "decimal",
          "TopRangePercent": "integer"

Next Step: Shipping Price Estimates